Petition to World Health Organization

Stop W.H.O. Vaccines & PCR – End Untested & Unsafe Emergency Use Listing Products (EUL)

Stop W.H.O. Vaccines & PCR – End Untested & Unsafe Emergency Use Listing Products (EUL)
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Thank you for your interest in doing something BOLD to stop PCR testing & stop covid vaccines now!

This open letter is to support our 'emergency use listing' EUL Dispute with WHO to stop the EUL Authorizations for covid and mpox "vaccines" and to stop the PCR test they use to fake pandemics. A dispute is the proper way to avoid a lawsuit and settle things with WHO & Member States peacefully. It's also the ONLY way to force the States to hold WHO to account, by invoking International Law.

By signing you are supporting one of the most important legal moves since the covid plandemic began. This is to finish what we started with our EUL disputes that are already referred by WHO Internal Oversight to National Authorities.

The case is: Interest of Justice v. WHO, Costa Rica, and United States

Our first hearing is November 11, 2024 and we aim to give all governments this dispute and force them to work together to stop the violations of Nuremberg and informed consent taking place in the WHO EUL program.

November 3, 2024

46 Supporters

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Letter to
World Health Organization

Interest of Justice v. WHO, Costa Rica, and United States

Nature of the Dispute:

This international legal dispute arises from the alleged widespread misuse of products authorized under the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Emergency Use Listing (EUL) mechanism, which allowed the procurement, distribution, and administration of investigational vaccines without adequate informed consent regarding known risks to life and health. Interest of Justice alleges that the WHO, along with the governments of Costa Rica, the United States, UK and many Member State countries seriously breached their obligations under international and national laws by integrating these unproven interventions into national vaccine schedules, leading to harm to individuals’ lives and health.

Parties Involved:

  1. Interest of Justice: The Claimant, a civil society international organization dedicated to protecting human rights and holding international organizations with their Member States accountable for unlawful conduct.
  2. World Health Organization (WHO): The wrongdoer, accused of authorizing the procurement and use of investigational vaccines under the Emergency Use Listing procedure without ensuring adequate safety standards, informed consent, or transparency in disclosing known risks.
  3. Government of Costa Rica: The wrongdoer, accused of violating its own biomedical research laws by signing procurement contracts for EUL-authorized vaccines without ensuring proper informed consent and without complying with legal requirements for safety guarantees in public health interventions.
  4. Government of the United States: The wrongdoer, accused of participating in the global distribution and administration of investigational vaccines without properly informing citizens of the risks involved in receiving such vaccines under the EUL, leading to serious harm.

Statement of Facts:

  1. WHO Authorization of Unproven Interventions: The WHO, through its Emergency Use Listing (EUL) procedure, authorized the use of investigational vaccines during the global pandemic. These vaccines, developed and distributed without full approval or comprehensive safety trials, were integrated into national vaccine schedules by countries such as Costa Rica and the United States.
  2. Waiver of Good Manufacturing Inspections and Safety Standards: Under the EUL mechanism, and "regulatory flexibility" WHO waived many of the good manufacturing inspections and safety protocols that would typically apply to vaccines. This waiver led to the distribution of vaccines that had not undergone sufficient testing to establish their long-term safety or efficacy.
  3. Lack of Informed Consent: Costa Rica, the United States and most WHO Member States integrated the WHO-authorized vaccines into their national vaccine schedules without ensuring that citizens were properly informed of the experimental nature of the vaccines and the potential risks to life and health. Informed consent, a core requirement under international human rights law and national biomedical laws, was disregarded.
  4. Serious Breaches of National and International Law:
    • In Costa Rica, and many Member States procurement contracts for the investigational vaccines were signed without compliance with national laws requiring insurance for vaccine-related injuries and without proper risk disclosure.
    • In the United States, federal health authorities pushed for widespread use of EUL-authorized vaccines without providing the public with sufficient warnings about known risks, in breach of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations and the Nuremberg Code’s principles regarding human experimentation.
  5. Adverse Health Consequences: Many thousands, if not millions, of individuals in Costa Rica, the United States and globally suffered adverse health effects as a direct result of the widespread and systematic administration of these unproven vaccines. Reports of severe side effects, including life-threatening complications, have emerged, and many affected individuals claim they were not adequately informed of the risks prior to receiving the vaccines.

Legal Basis for the Claims:

  1. Breach of International Law:
    • Violation of the Right to Life and Health: The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), Siracusa Principles and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights guarantee the right to life and the right to health. By authorizing and distributing vaccines under the EUL without sufficient safety guarantees, the WHO, Costa Rica, the United States and most Member States violated these fundamental rights.
    • Nuremberg Code Violations: The administration of investigational vaccines without informed consent constitutes a violation of the Nuremberg Code, which explicitly prohibits human experimentation without voluntary and informed consent. Costa Rica, the United States and most Member States administered these unproven vaccines without ensuring informed consent, thus breaching international legal standards.
  2. Breach of National Laws:
    • Costa Rican Biomedical Research Laws: Costa Rica’s national biomedical research regulations explicitly prohibit the procurement and use of investigational medical products without prior insurance for injuries and proper informed consent. By signing contracts and integrating EUL vaccines into its vaccine schedule, Costa Rica breached these laws, causing harm to its citizens.
    • U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Regulations: The FDA’s regulatory framework mandates that any investigational medical product used under emergency conditions must be accompanied by full disclosure of the known risks. By failing to inform the public of the risks of the EUL vaccines, U.S. authorities violated these regulations and endangered public health.
  3. Breach of WHO’s Own Standards:
    • Failure to Ensure Safety: WHO's International Health Regulations (IHR) and internal guidelines require that all health interventions authorized for global use must comply with strict safety and efficacy standards. By waiving manufacturing inspections and distributing vaccines without adequate safety data, the WHO acted outside its mandate and violated its own obligations.
    • Waiver of Immunity in Commercial Agreements: WHO has engaged in contractual agreements with vaccine manufacturers, governments, and other stakeholders under the EUL. These contracts of a commercial nature may require waivers of immunity, allowing WHO to be held accountable for failure to ensure product safety or for harm caused by their investigational interventions.

Relief Sought:

  1. Damages: Interest of Justice seeks compensatory and punitive damages for serious delays in justice, and for individuals harmed by the investigational vaccines in Costa Rica and the United States, including compensation for medical expenses, loss of income, and pain and suffering.
  2. Injunction: Interest of Justice seeks an injunction to halt the continued use of EUL-authorized vaccines in national vaccine schedules, and the WHO EUL Listing until they undergo full regulatory approval and safety testing in accordance with international and national legal standards.
  3. Public Apology and Reparation: Interest of Justice demands a public apology owed erga omnes from WHO, Costa Rica, the United States and all wrongdoer Member States for their roles in exposing citizens to harmful investigational vaccines without adequate informed consent. The parties must establish a compensation fund for those affected by vaccine-related injuries and make provisions to compensate and cease censorship of medical and other opinion involving public health.
  4. Revocation of EUL Authorization: Interest of Justice seeks the immediate revocation and GLOBAL DELISTING of WHO’s EUL for the mRNA vaccines & PCR in question, along with a full investigation into the breaches of safety and consent protocols.


Interest of Justice contends that the WHO, Costa Rica, the United States and most Member States violated international human rights law, national biomedical laws, and the ethical standards governing public health interventions by authorizing and distributing investigational vaccines without adequate informed consent. These actions resulted in widespread harm and demand immediate legal redress. Interest of Justice urges the National Authorities to hold the WHO and wrongdoer Member State Countries accountable for their breaches and to ensure that no further harm to individuals or the public interest is caused by the continued use of unproven pandemic medical products.


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Interest Of Justice
Interest Of Justice
Started this petition 4 months ago


David Sowden
David Sowden

It’s more fun to be alive than it is to be dead.

John Adams
John Adams

It is not safe to be doing this and it has caused more harm than good.

bruce haug
bruce haug

Time to end this oppression.

Mohamed Bakrim
Mohamed Bakrim

Il faut surtout les arrêtés de continuer à polluer la nature tout les êtres vivants

Mike Gibbens
Mike Gibbens

I would like to see the WHO disbanded and the WEF labled as a terrorist organizaion .

Lisa C
Lisa C


Kathryn Schilling
Kathryn Schilling

I believe this whole program and experimental substances are illegal and violate our human rights. I want to help prevent further damages to humankind.

Joan Shields
Joan Shields

This is a criminal enterprise. These products infect humanity with toxic metals, polymers, cancer and other disease, disability, and damage-causing components. There is harmful intent behind them accompanied by a callous indifference, if not full-on contempt, towards humanity woven into the fabric of this endeavor. The self-assembling nanotechnology contaminates all life forms. This is a path towards enrichment of a – relatively speaking – few, and destruction of humanity. We are not meant to be crippled, killed, enslaved, or transhumanized into cyborgs for the purpose of surveillance, data collection, energy storage, or energy harvesting, or destined to be forever subjected to be contaminated by or consumers of this Mengelesque destructive technology. All that is required is to retake control of your deductive reasoning, while you still can, and map out the end game. For those of you who support this, it isn’t too late to look at the big picture and the logical end if this isn’t stopped. The monsters behind this are coming for you, too. There are thousands upon thousands, if not millions, of us who are willing to help you understand the destruction commensurate with the deployment of these harmful interventions that have absolutely NOTHING to do with your health, as well as the profit-driven, control/surveillance oriented goals of the deranged group behind this. They are lying to you, and they’ll be coming for you next.

Robert Denomme
Robert Denomme

I am signing because I believe these so called vaccines are actually bio weapons meant to maim and kill us.


I believe vaccinations are destructive to human health and not to be at all trusted in this day and age. The WHO is not about human health, unfortunately. It’s about making money.

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46 Supporters
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